Monday, June 5, 2017

Driveway Alarm Kit

Driveway Alarm Bell Kits

The Original Bell Kit & Milton Bell Kit

Original Bell Kit Milton Bell Kit

Complete driveway alarm bell kits

Dependable...Reliable...Durable... They have been around a long time!
Our complete Original Bell Kits and Milton Bell Kits come with driveway signal hose lengths from 25' up to 300' in length. The Original Bell Kit can operate with up to 150' of driveway tubing and the Milton Bell Kit can operate with up to 300' of driveway signal hose. The Original Bell kit sounds similar to a fire bell while the Milton Bell kit produces a clear "Ding-Ding" each time a pair of vehicle tires cross the bell ringer hose.
Both the Original Bell Kit and the Milton Bell Kit operate off of a standard 110V electric outlet. These bells, like most other electrical appliances, cannot be rained on directly. In order to operate safely and to prolong the life of the bell they can be located under the protection of a building overhang or inside.
We have replacement drive through bell hose made in the USA for your rugged commercial driveway conditions. Our hose comes in 25' increments starting from our shortest length of 25' long all the way up to 300' hose lengths. This driveway bell hose is not available at hardware stores or big box home centers is it made specifically for our bells,chime kits, and driveway alarm kits.
Driveway Hose
Our bell ringer hose hose is 3/8" inside diameter with an outside diameter 5/8".

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